Our Services
As you can expect, our development capability and capacity are unique and key aspects of our Independently Owned, Joint Venture, Consulting and Master Lease projects to name a few. Arise mobilizes a professional, project specific development team considered to be the best for each project.
The below listed services comprise of the typical milestones on our development projects and as such, we have carved them so that at any point in a project, these services can be quickly mobilized, whether within an Arise owned project or not.
Development Services
Development Services
1. Adept Site Selection & Analysis
It is often necessary to search for an ideal location for a project. Are you looking for a site for multifamily, mixed use, industrial, office, retail or other locations that can be ideal for your project? Are you looking to place your project in an emerging market? What is available now within your project guidelines and budget? What are the pre-feasibility considerations? A plan that can quickly narrow down the possibilities sufficiently to identify your site of choice will be uncovered for you by Arise Development.
2. Highest & Best Use Determination
As our mission strives to always “Raise the Use, Value and Aesthetics”, this approach will inevitably propel a project towards its Highest and Best Use. We will analyze the top three to 5 highest and best uses for the project. These are generally formulated by a combination of what the highest valued structure that is allowed on the property considering its zoning and even in some other cases, a zone change to the property. In addition to utilizing the maximum density allowed on the property, the development must be in demand in the neighbourhood and potentially be absorbed with ease upon completion. What are the cost benefit ratios for the various alternatives? Basically, will the development planned for the site yield the maximum return for the project considering infrastructure, permitting and the demographics in the neighbourhood? Answers to these critical concerns will typically help reveal the Highest & Best Uses.
3. Value Engineered Proforma Development
The numbers that account for all the potential income and cost on the project using certain assumptions must be compiled into a Proforma. This Proforma will quickly provide information to lenders and investors on what the costs and financing needed for the project are, how quickly the project can become profitable and what kinds of return can be generated
over time. The Proforma can also help determine what the Residual Land Value of a project is in order to evaluate the financial decisions associated with purchasing or selling a land solicited for a project. At Arise Development, our Development Proforma is always designed out of the Highest and Best use option. It is value engineered and therefore fully optimized.
4. Feasibility Determination
It is imperative to study the feasibility of a project. This will include studying the demographics around a potential project, an analysis of the market that the project will be involved in and the potential income and expenses for the project. Other similar projects and their values within the project area will always be considered. The feasibility study must provide sufficient data to allow the ultimate answer to the question whether the project can be viable and what auxiliary pieces are needed to make this project feasible. We pre-determine a project is Financially and Operationally Feasible before embarking are upon it.
5. Finance packaging
Arise maintains access to high loan to value financing for most of the development markets especially in the area of multifamily, office, mixed use commercial properties, mobile home parks, assisted living/ residential care facilities, medical and hospital facilities to name a few. Arise can quickly provide the preliminary finance model, preliminary underwriting, finance packaging, direct lender association and financing. Lot financing, construction, bridge, mezzanine and permanent financing are available to facilitate our various associated development projects.
6. Strategic Property Acquisition
Part of the success of any investment is to acquire the property right. This means making offers on the correct guidelines. It is important to acquire properties in the right markets and within the right market cycles. Important numbers such as cash on cash value, gross rent multipliers, net operating income, and capitalization rates must be combined with a study of the market cycle, the population and job growth rate, City incentives for new projects, the increase in the city tax bases and so on.
Arise is the company that can help you look at these factors, make recommendations that will most likely protect and appreciate the value of an investment. What about the offer, negotiating your deal and helping to create the win, win scenario to seal the deal?
7. Property/Project Management Development
Whether the project is in the construction phase and needs a good contractor or multiple trade contractors with construction management oversight or whether it is property management that is needed to accelerate the net operating income, ARISE will provide the expertise and excellence to ensure an intelligent, pragmatic and diligent implementation of the task at hand. Arise maintains a zero tolerance for projects and properties not being delivered to meet their highest and best potential.
8. Exit Strategy Formulation and Implementation
How do you make your maximum profits on this project? Do you accelerate the value in a year, two or 5 years and then exit? Is your decision based on market dynamics? Have you studied the market to know whether it is an appreciating one, a stagnant or declining one? What market cycle are you in? Are you at equilibrium, a buyer’s market or seller’s market?
With in-depth analysis of the market dynamics, your project, access to funds for property improvement, a determination to hold or exit can easily be made. Especially when the right information is available and you know how to determine whether your equity will grow in the existing investment or in a bigger investment in the same market or another emerging market completely out of the area or State.
Arise will facilitate this process for you by providing the information needed for the right exit strategy.
Why Get Arise?
In short, you get Arise because we will give you highly profitable projects and we get the job done. We have been succeeding and continue to do so because:
Arise employs some of the best kept secret strategies in commercial real estate investing, development & finance to bring the majority of impossible projects into virtual “diamonds in the roughs”.
Arise specializes in leveraging projects creatively & correctly to ensure very high yield investing including sometimes, infinitesimal return on investments to our partners.
The Arise team comprises of adept, experienced and a multidisciplinary development, investment and finance team with over 150+ combined years of experience that conservatively & diligently design & implement our projects with a completely ethical investment approach.
The Arise development team and network has invested, developed and financed over
1.5 billion dollars in Commercial Real Estate within the last 10 years.
Arise provides you with comprehensive investment packages with clear upsides & downsides of every project to enable decisions that meet Investor’s risk tolerance. Our investment guides are conservative and ensure large upsides that negate any delaying or impediment influences on project profits.
Arise utilizes the best local project team, experienced and considered to be the best within the project jurisdiction. It is imperative to us to utilize the best to perform project due diligence, project implementation & project management to name a few. Why? Your money deserves the best protection & the best opportunity, investing systems, and highest growth. This can only be best realized at the helm of the best available professional development team.
In short, our projects have and will consistently be expected to generate in excess of 20% annualized cash on cash. We encourage you to:
Take the next step, partner with us. Make the Highest and Best Use and Return yours Join us and together we can:
“Always Raise the Use, Value & Aesthetics and let ARISE the Highest Investments and Equity Heights for all”